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Level 3 Owning Media

Zionist Jews are an ownership class . They get capital from us and they just buy up existing functional businesses. As owners they have real wealth created by others ideas and labor. A real parasite. Not only do they get foreign aid, they actually loan some of it back to us with interest.

They didn't create the sports teams, the movie industry, music industry or anything else. They just own it with capital acquired through extortion. To extort you out of money then lend it to you at interest is the shifty things on the planet. These baby penis vampires run pedophile rings, steal organs, assist illegal immigration and want to mind-fuck your son into chopping his dick off. It is a Demonic pantheon. But no industry capture is more vital or important than grabbing the mass media and social media.

“Give us 20 years and we will take over your media and destroy your country”.

That was 23 years ago

The ownership class can now act to finance the bribing operation, the blackmail operation, as well as Israel affiliates whose job it is to smear dissenting voice, ruin their reputations, de-platform them or even jail them if they can. It is different than blackmail because it just relies on defamation. Ironically They also run the Anti-Defamation League, but in reality it is absolutely the defamation league. This dovetails with controlling the media. Not only do they filter the news you get to hear, they openly get to smear censor anyone who disagrees.

The Origin

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