
If Oswald acted alone there wouldn’t be thousands of classified files 61 years later

Jun 28, 2014


Ryan Dawson

You really think this guy gets a job 40 days before the assassination, moving to Dallas from New Orleans and just happens to work in a high rise building right at the end of the motorcade rout that had an empty (meaning no people) room on the top floor?

You’d have to say one of 3 things. Either he was part of a plan, was extremely well handled, or was a super rare coincidence.

Think about it, a covert asset of ONI and CIA who could speak Russian and was certainly not lacking intelligence, moves to a new city to get a minimum wage job moving books. And then as testified by Roselli, he was shot so as to silence him.

Remember what Hoover wrote Nov 24th 1963

Why say the Real Assassin?

”It is nteresting because Nick Katzenbach who Hoover is referring to, himself wrote the next day in a memo to Bill Moyer “THE PUBLIC MUST BE SATISFIED THAT OSWALD WAS THE ASSASSIN; THAT HE HAD NO CONFEDERATES WHO ARE STILL AT LARGE; AND THAT EVIDENCE WAS SUCH THAT HE WOULD HAVE BEEN CONVICTED AT TRIAL.”"

Jack Ruby, also a Jew, even told the warren commission he had to do it “because of his Jewish faith”and what was he talking about when he told Earl Warren

"Unfortunately, Chief Earl Warren, had you been around 5 or 6 months ago, and I know your hands were tied, you couldn't do it, and immediately the President would have gotten a hold of my true story, or whatever would have been said about me, a certain organization wouldn't have so completely formed now, so powerfully, to use me because I am of the Jewish extraction, Jewish faith, to commit the most dastardly crime that has ever been committed.
Can you understand now in visualizing what happened, what powers, what momentum has been carried on to create this feeling of mass feeling against my people, against certain people that were against them prior to their power?" That goes over your head doesn't it.

...I want to say this to you. The Jewish people are being exterminated at this moment. Consequently, a whole new form of government is going to take over our country, and I know I won't live to see you another time. Do I sound sort of screwy--in telling you these things?

... All I know is maybe something can be saved. Because right now, I want to tell you this, I am used as a scapegoat, and there is no greater weapon that you can use to create some falsehood about some of the Jewish faith, especially at the terrible heinous crime such as the killing of President Kennedy....

Now maybe something can be saved. It may not be too late, whatever happens, if our President, Lyndon Johnson, knew the truth from me. But if I am eliminated, there won't be any way of knowing. Right now, when I leave your presence now, I am the only one that can bring out the truth to our President, who believes in righteousness and justice."

Note that later while talking to the press that Jack Ruby says the Truth may never come above board and that it goes all the way to the top. If LBJ isn't in the loop and at the top as it were, then who is he talking about?

"But he has been told, I am certain, that I was part of a plot to assassinate the President.... I am sorry, Chief Justice Warren, I thought I would be very effective in telling you what I have said here. But in all fairness to everyone, maybe all I want to do is beg that if they found out I was telling the truth, maybe they can succeed in what their motives are, but maybe my people won't be tortured and mutilated. ....No; the only way you can do it is if he knows the truth, that I am telling the truth, and why I was down in that basement Sunday morning, and maybe some sense of decency will come out and they can still fulfill their plan, as I stated before, without my people going through torture and mutilation. ...But I won't be around, Chief Justice. I won't be around to verify these things you are going to tell the President.  ... I have been used for a purpose, and there will be a certain tragic occurrence happening if you don't take my testimony and somehow vindicate me so my people don't suffer because of what I have done. ...All I want is a lie detector test, and you refuse to give it to me. Because as it stands now---and the truth serum, and any other--Pentothal--how do you pronounce it, whatever it is. And they will not give it to me, because I want to tell the truth. And then I want to leave this world. But I don't want my people to be blamed for something that is untrue, that they claim has happened. "

It seems that Jack Ruby is paranoid that the president has been told already that he was party of a plot to kill the president that that "his people" meaning Jewish people or the Israeli state was behind it. Israel had several motives to want both JFK and RFK dead. It was in their eye a matter of survival.

1 The Kennedys want Israel inspected for nuclear weapons. RFK also had information and testing done around Dimona showing the Uranium there had come from the US's Nautilus project, since it was the only uranium in the world enriched to that high a % at that point in time. It was all over the area.

2 The Kennedys supported Palestinians right of Return.

3 They wanted Israel's foreign lobbies to register as foreign agents

4 JFK along with France's Charles de Gaulle who also survived an assassination attempt, supported Algeria independence.

The John Birch Society, who Ruby tries to paint a picture of as all powerful, didn't kill the President. As much as big oil was tied to LBJ, and Texas oil man David Harold Byrd owning the building where Lee Harvey Oswald worked, they didn't control Jack Ruby nor did they gain anything worth the risk when RFK was assassinated in California.   Guys like David Ferrie and Jacob Rubenstein were working for the Mafia. And the Mafia lost a billion dollars in revenue when Castro shut down the casinos. They had every reason to work with the CIA when they came knocking and they did, and the CIA had every reason to seek plausible deniability that the mafia provided for a variety of illegal activities, from narcotic and gun running to assassination. The CIA's Victor Marchetti testified that Ferrie worked for the CIA.

Jack Ruby was a central mafia figure and knew almost every cop in Dallas. He also went the Cuba and even rode with FBN agents to the airport. So was Oswald’s childhood friend and fellow closet faggot Efraim Sullivan, who became a chief of police in Louisiana and got 4 cops killed as well as 5 civilians all in one shooting. According to his son he work for the Mossad. These southern mafia heads guys were bragging about JFK AND Robert getting killed before both happened. The Kennedys demanded the ZAC/ZOA/AIPAC register as a foreign agent. RFK issued them a moratorium with 72 hrs to comply in November of 63. The PM resigned over it to stall for time and Kennedy was killed the same month.

Efraim Sullivan. (yes you are looking at that right, it is Leon Trotsky on the wall the Jewish founder of the Neocons)

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