Writing what I did before in case you missed that post and then continuing.
One need not to externalize God. You were given Divine Spark, it's not something you have it's something you Are.
Yahweh demands to be worship and creates a slave master relationship.
The Father asks you love each other, the path to salvation is through knowledge not obedience. Everything man needs is already here in nature. Whatever you want you can unlock with knowledge.
He gave us everything in the beginning. These cellphones the homes you're perhaps in, were once dirt stone wood and minerals they were always here. Consciousness is a gift and by knowing nature you become godly. Knowing God(nature/creation) brings you closer to God.
Ignorance darkness fear is the enemy of man and all of those are glorified by the demonic. Now which God was enraged than mankind ate from the tree of knowledge? That's the demon.
And how do his followers act? Look at what the Israelis are doing and have been doing. They are a cancer to humanity. That's demonic.
The Old Testament is demonic.
Yahweh call himself lord/master
Christ calls God the father/my father
Yahweh: Obey me, or else
Christ: trust in him
Yahweh kill your neighbors
Christ love thy neighbor as thy self
Yahweh kills all the first born, destroys cities, takes a virgin sacrifice as a burnt offering, commands animal sacrifices, blood and death rituals, sends plagues, sent fiery serpents to murder people for complaining about hunger, issues generational curses, floods the world. Rewards: lying incest, rape, stealing, murder and war.
Christ heals the sick, casts out demons, feeds the hungry, makes the blind see, revived dead children, calmed a storm, taught forgiveness. And this man told us the pharisees’ “father” was the devil and that they were a synagogue of Satan.
There is nothing Judeo about Christianity. The Council of Nicaea was a benefactor class, the very thing Jesus rebelled against. And they gutted the Bible and replaced the creation story with a Jewish fairy-tale.
They don't want you to know where you come from.
Don’t take these stories literally. Gods are reflections of the cultures that invented them. In this case the Hebrew, they globbed on to the Sumarian pantheon of El but decided to worship a lower storm god who was a wrathful evil character. It says something about a people who worship a genocidal maniac. It matters because they do follow its instructions of conquest deception and theft.
Religions are cultural interpretations on god/ways of nature. In a way the idea becomes a real thing in the same way that money has value because we accept that it does. Is it paper? Yes. Is it just paper? No, physically yes, but ideas and values and the force behind them are not physical. They exist. Existence extends beyond physically existing. Concepts exist as concepts, without the need for a physical counter part. You can take that in the way of Plato’s ideal forms or the Phenomenologists, or the Taoist all three work.
So when I explain the ancient texts, I want you to think of these as societies’ collective effort to explain and justify their moral framework and deities that would be the most healthy for humanity. The ideas are strange extensions of our own cultures which can raise us up or poison us from within.
The great struggle is between virtue based on Obedience and virtue based on Knowledge. Ultimate right action as the Buddhist might say, but you cannot do the right action without first the right Knowledge.
“All nature, all formations, all creatures exist in and with one another, and they will be resolved again into their own roots. For the nature of matter is resolved into the roots of its own nature alone.” at the bottom nature as you know it is coming into being from a substrate under current that you do not know. The world is graphed on to that which you do not have access to but give rise to the encoding and governing principles. Japanese call these ghostly wave patterns Kami (the governing forces) yaoyorozu the spirit in is all things.
“In the beginning there was the first thought. From thought to the first voice and the first word, and all three were light.“ You can think of this like light containing all the colors. A rainbow condensed is white light and white light through a prism is rainbow. It is always there, contained within itself, in this way it has a beginning and yet it existed before it was separated.
Genesis 1:4
"God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness."
It was in the first Day of creation that God separated the light from the darkness. It was here that Jesus and Yahweh were made. A being of pure light and a being of pure darkness.
The creature of the abyss is the god of the Jews.
The light the way the word is Christ.
There are two creation stories in Genesis. Creator-God created everything including man and woman in his own likeness. Often the word used here is image. This a terrible King James translation. Humans are not made like the physical appearance of god. Image means likeness. By likeness it means they are self aware and have free will. Unlike matter that is unconscious.
Gen 1:26 says both “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness….” …both male and female…
You will notice that god is saying US and OUR not Me or My. Our is referring to the other immortal beings.
But Gen 1:27 only uses the word image. However the end of sentence is telling.
Gen 1:27 “So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.”
Male and female he created them. He did not create the females out of the male’s side. It is interesting that the sentence before is a plural but then changed from “us” to “he”. and yet still the male and female are made. could our image mean a female and a male like us? There only 33 sentences, thirty one in chapter 1 and two in chapter 2 about the creator.
Notice From Gen 2:4 onwards it stops saying God and it says Lord God. Lord God is Yahweh a lesser god of storms. He had not yet made it rain. Rain is something he can do and why he would make it flood later.
See on the 7th day the creator God is resting and this is when Yahweh does all his mischief.
Gen 22
“And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever”
It is Yahweh lies to you saying he is the only god and to worship him alone. And yet he is fighting with other gods like Baal in his own books. And he also commands that one not put other gods before him, thus admitting they exist.
Why did Yahweh put the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden if he didn't want humans to eat from them? And why didn't he just destroy or remove the trees?
The answer is he didn't put them there and he couldn't destroy them. Yahweh is a lessor god. The best he could do was lie and say the fruit would kill them.
It didn't. Instead Adam (male) and Eve (female) gained Free Will. They nearly regained immortality. Yahweh didn't want humans to have Free Will he wanted servants to blindly worship him. He cast them out of the Garden and for this he himself was cast out.
This is why he is still with Adam and Eve after he cast them out and then with the twins Cain and Abel, outside of Eden later.
Yahweh demanded offerings. Naturally he favored the blood sacrifices that involved murder over the crops that involved labor. Yahweh feeds off of death. He wants you to be ignorant.
3 times he punished man for gaining knowledge.
For eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
For working with angels to learn secrets of nature.
For working together to make the tower of Bable.
Adam and Eve were not the first humans. They were the first humans in the Garden. Yahweh could not create man from his will. He had to build him out of the Earth and he had to build Eve from Adam's side. Like humans, Yahweh can only make things out of other things. He is not the god of creation. He did not make the World. He wanted slaves to worship him
In the beginning there was the first thought. From thought to the first voice and the first word, and all three were light.
But who put the Tree there and who sent Eve a messenger? Who restored the serpent and threw Yahweh out of the Garden?
Are you interested it what the Church has hidden from you? Judaism has been tricked into worshipping a petty tyrant, a jealous entity from the abyss and natural counterpart to the beings of light. He is a liar, a murderer, an outcast. He cannot harm you directly. He must get you to harm yourself and each other.
To be continued. Remember these are symbolic stories it’s not literal. its a discussion starter, a tool to use you let your mind contemplate on and fill in the gaps. Only you can bring the light back in yourself.
Great stuff. Ryan. Please do continue.
Religion has always confused me. Was with a fine Jewish man for 23 yrs, an Anti-Christ no question about that devotion. I was raised Catholic with all its contradictions. Currently reading “Inventing A Christian America” The Myth of Religious Founding by Steven K Green. I’ve always believed Jesus would someday prevail. Jesus would govern. He’d wake us up. We’d feel His love. Earthly kingdoms will crumble, statues will erode. As this godless atmosphere of crisis/chaos litters our world I can’t help but to think of the current conflict in Sudan, of those starving Haitian children, the Palestinians genocide-ethnic cleansing. Decades ago I was reading Horton Hears A Who! %Dr Seuss. On the 1st page it reads “For My Great Friend, Mitsugi Nikamura of Kyoto, Japan”. My daughters asked who Mitsugi was. I didn’t know; I’d decided he was a child living under US military attack. 2 atomic bombs. I then had to teach my little girls how terrible these bombs were. I thought Horton Hears A Who was all the humans shouting out “we are here + alive”. Guess I’ll post this unedited comment and pray for those suffering beyond my comprehension. Unfortunately my daughters, now all grown up, both have no interest in religion, they tolerate my faith. My daughters have never known world peace, never lived minus an enemy or the right to “defend”.